How much is shipping?

Shipping varies depending on your location.

How can I place an order?

You are able to place your order through the following methods:
1. You can place an order by filling in the request form
2. Emailing your order to info@aspire-crafts.com

Can I place a sample order?

Sure, small pieces sample are accepted.
We would also like to supply a free sample based on a large order quantity.

How long will the price be valid?

We are a tender and friendly manufacturer and trader, never greedy on windfall profit. Basically, our price remains stable. We only adjust the price based on below situation:
1. The exchange rate of USD: RMB varies significantly.
2. The cost of material rises sharply.

What is the terms of payment?

Generally speaking, we prefer to T/T.
For large quantity order, 30% T/T in advance and balance 70% T/T upon copy of BL.

What about the production time and delivery time?

Actually, it depends on the order quantity.
Usually 30 working days.
For OEM products, delivery time depends on the request of product.

How can I contact with you?

You can leave Feedback at our website, please find it here (https://www.aspire-crafts.com/contact/). Feedback is very much appreciated and helps us move forward as a business.
Also You can contact with us by sending an email at info@aspire-crafts.com.

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